Waxing at Time for Wax

Waxing for women – choose a professional treatment in Time for Wax salons!

Waxing for women is associated with pain, great discomfort and ingrown hairs after the procedure. Of course, such scenarios are possible, but having hair removal performed in a proven place with qualified beauticians will allow you to enjoy perfectly smooth and beautiful skin for many weeks. If you are looking for a place that offers safe, fast and effective waxing, be sure to visit one of the many Time for Wax salons that you can find in most large cities.

Waxing for women covers many parts of the body. We can easily wax the bikini area (French, classic, Brazilian), the face (eyebrows, mustache, beard). , cheeks, sideburns, forehead and nose), legs (thighs, calves, knees and feet),hands (forearms, arms, armpits and fingers) andtorso(chest, abdomen, cleavage, breasts, belt between breasts, neck, path, back, buttocks and lumbar spine).

Can intimate parts be waxed?

Of course, intimate places, i.e. the so-called the bikini area can be easily depilated with wax. This is one of the most common hair removal treatments we perform in our salons and remains very popular among our clients. 

To properly prepare for this type of treatment, it is worth taking care of several aspects before the visit. The day before the planned depilation, you should exfoliate a given part to remove dead skin and expose the hair. Let’s remember that just before the treatment, our skin should be dry and clean. Let’s try to avoid excessive dryness of the body, which may be more susceptible to irritation due to depilation. For successful depilation, it is worth ensuring that the hair is of appropriate length. The optimal length is approximately 0.5 to 1 cm. We will tell you that the hairs reach a length of 0.5 cm after about 14 days after the last shaving.

If you are afraid that waxing the bikini area for women will be painful, you can use the treatment using our proprietary Magic Wax wax.

What is our proprietary Magic Wax?

Magic Wax is a 100% natural depilatory wax made on the basis of beeswax. Its unique formula makes it more flexible and more effective than other stripless waxes. Due to the fact that the wax embeds the hair in itself and does not stick to the skin, the pain during depilation is minimal.

Its low melting point makes the application pleasant and soothing, like a warm massage. Magic Wax is also safe for the skin, it can be applied even several times to the same part of the body without the risk of irritation.

It is an ideal choice for people who want to get rid of unwanted hair in a gentle and effective way. All Magic Wax ingredients are natural, which means you can use it without worrying about harmful side effects.

For our clients we have preparedCennik , which also offers attractive packages for individual body parts using Magic Wax. To learn more details, please check out the offer on our website!